One of the most difficult things to accomplish in decorating is to find the perfect piece of artwork. This piece was a fantastic find on my recent trip to Michigan. This piece was painted by Beth Charles, her artwork is available at there are pieces for all price ranges, and wonderful prints made from the original pieces too.
The addition of this gorgeous painting to this bedroom was the icing on the cake. It also set a stage for the additional roman shades that are to follow. The original plan was to use a black and gold silk by Kravet, the fabric was ordered and arrived just a gorgeous as I imagined, however pales in comparison to the beauty of this piece of art. We had to rethink our fabric choices and head in another direction. Moving to a more subtle soft fabric so as not to over power this museum piece!! That will allow for a main focal point being moved from the bed, to this burst of color!!

Since artwork tends to be the most difficult, it may be easier to choose your painting, and art prior to designing a room. There is also the option of having something commissioned just for your space.